Early Childhood Education Unit

Address: 4th Floor Francis Compton Building
Waterfront Castries Saint Lucia
Email: earlychildhood.education@govt.lc

Mission: To develop a system of Early Childhood Education aimed at satisfying the needs and demands of both children and their parents by, promoting the development of young children in a safe and stimulating environment designed to impact positively on the learning skills and styles of the children and their parents; and to empower their parents and care-givers to play a more conscious, informed role in the holistic development of each child through education services.
  1. Professionalization of the Early Childhood Sector.
  2. Enforcement of quality assurance standards in all Early Childhood settings.
  3. Development of organizational structure for assessment and certification of the Early Childhood workforce, using a competency-based approach to qualifications.
  4. Development of an inter-ministerial operational plan for establishment of service provider networks at the district level.
  5. Expanding the provision of parenting support and education.
  6. Development of model Early Childhood Educational Centres at the district level.